Dr. Charles Bodkin

Dr. Charles Bodkin
Professor of Marketing
Friday 210B


PhD in Marketing, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
MBA, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
BBA in Marketing, University of Notre Dame

About my research:

My research focuses on how consumers behave in the marketplace. Previous research has included an examination of the influence of children on parents' use of new technology.  Currently, I am researching consumers' sense of community. We often hear about the development of online communities, but are these "communities" or simply associations?  For example, consumers say they are part of the Apple community by simply owning an Apple computer, but is that truly a community? My co-authors and I are recently gathered data from across the U.S. and asked consumers to discuss what community means to them and whether they feel a sense of community when they shop in their local grocery stores.

My advice to students:

To be successful in this master’s program students need to have a desire to learn. While students can learn the application of business theories through lectures and class projects, it is up to the students to internalize this knowledge. If you are inquisitive and enjoy reading and then applying what you've read to real world business situations, you should be successful in this program.

What I enjoy most about teaching: 

What I most enjoy about teaching is talking with students. Classes are meant to be a discussion of current business topics (which is why it is important for students to read current business articles). Personally, I really enjoy learning students' perspectives and then challenging them to re-think any preconceived notions they had about how business operates in the real world.

About me:

I love to travel. Over the last few years, I have taught the MBA global marketing class and have travelled with students to Shanghai, China; Taipei, Taiwan; Hong Kong, and several years ago to Paris, France.  I have also spent time in Tokyo, Japan; Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, and Amsterdam.  I believe travelling to foreign countries allows individuals to gain a better understanding of their own county.